Friday, January 24, 2014

Comments for Blog 1

Comments for blog post 1/24/14

Blog 1

Victoria Valley
Future currency

Fire…fire and the smell of burning flesh and metal invaded my nose. 
Heat tore into my skin like vultures talons and refused to let go. 
My lungs began to feel scorched from the over intake of carbon dioxide. 
My legs stinging from running to try and find an exit, or the mad man responsible for this. 
The once sterile and pristine white office that I am in, now resembles the devil’s playground. 
People and machines alike are running in circles screaming and clawing at themselves like insane demons. 
A sound began to emit, a high pitch noise, quiet at first, but then so loud it became excruciating to listen to. 
I covered my ears with my hands and could not help but to collapse to the floor in pain, blackness swarmed my vision, and I was gone.
I woke up on a hospice table. 
A bright yellow light from the medical screen swarmed over my body instantly healing my lungs and burns from the inferno. Surprisingly, my business suit and heels had also been repaired as well.
 Confusion began to set in and holding my hand to block the light, I look around at my surroundings, trying to understand what is going on, and how I would pay for this. 
A man in a fancy suit with the circular inlaid cross symbol of the organization walked in. He had the look of a business man, and not the nice kind that had been my now past employers. 
He had a pompous and arrogant air about him and a large greasy mustache that he twirled with his fat fingers nervously. 
He smelled strongly of cologne and his comb over hair had too much mousse and stuck out in weird clumps along his forehead. 
I was instantly revolted and felt in need of a shower as soon as he walked through the door.
“Miss Kathleen, what a pleasure to meet you. 
I wish that it could have been in better times, but unfortunately that can not be helped now. 
My name is Mr. Bonclaire I work for the organization as a kind of supervisor, the details I can not say. 
Politics you know.” 
He said with a smug and confident voice and a wink at the end. 
Feeling the need to at least be polite, although all I wanted to do was get out of this care facility and the “organization” and back to my comfy apartment, I smiled and said
“Hello, I am sorry that it could not have been on better circumstances either. 
But, is a pleasure to meet you (I wanted to vomit as I said this) and I am wondering why am I here? 
And how much will this cost me?”
“O do not worry about the cost of patching you up. 
The fire was our fault, we had no idea that those innocent in the fraud scandal in your sector were still in the building. 
No credits from your online storage unit will be taken, and you have our sincerest apologies for the harm you or yours have taken.” 
He said simply
“Fraud? What are you talking about” I asked intrigued
“It seems as if the employers you served were making a type of currency without the Organization’s knowledge, they were trying to get their records off the books to avoid fees and taxes from the Organization.” He replied
They killed everyone in my sector… a span of ten miles of building and factories because of their lack of control on fees and taxes. 
I felt sick just thinking about it. 
People barely had food for themselves now a days and the corruption of the Organization ran deep. 
It was amazing that the country was still intact. 
Feeling weary and a bit scared at the little regard to human life. 
I replied with a phrase any law abiding citizen would say
“O my that is terrible!”
He nodded sadly “Indeed it is, without fees to the credit storage system we could not manage the country. 
Imagine what would happen if a different currency than the one the Organization controlled became available and wide spread to everyone?! 
The order of class systems would become diminished! 
The digital age would be destroyed! 
It would cause international panic!”
More like happiness… I thought

Keeping up with the charade of a model citizen I simply nodded and agreed while Mr. Bonclaire continued his rant of Organization perfection. 
He soon stopped however (thankfully) and got a henchmen outside the door to drive me to my home. 
I felt even more disgusted as I walked out the door of this system of corruption and credit. 
The entire cycle was so fragile and intangible. 
Just a few lines of code digitally downloaded into a database for these monsters to manipulate as they wished. 
Yet it killed people, controlled politics, and made my life a living hell. 
Now more than ever I wanted to run away from this place and never return. 
As my head hit the pillow of my bed, I cried at the loss of so many lives in my sector, and the waste of it all.